You Can Create Powerful Change Now

An inconvenient truth.

Life can feel demanding. Period. Sometimes it seems we are caught up in the middle of a frickin' tornado. Been there, done that. You too, right?

We've all been on the gerbil wheel of non-stop doing. Feeling stuck and exhausted. Daydreaming of running from it all to a magical land where life is easy and good, and our problems instantly disappear.

Inconvenient truth: This land does not exist, because wherever you go, there you are.

The good news: An existence of ease and flow is available to you RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. There is no need to run anywhere. While our circumstances are often out of our control, the way we choose to perceive them is not. And this, my friends, is the choice point between chaos and calm, between failure and success. Life does not need to get easier; we just need a change in perspective.


You can create powerful change now.

This is what I've been studying for most of my adult life and teaching for the past seven years as a soulful business coach. How to strengthen our souls and reclaim control of our lives from our overprotective ego (which has its place, just not in the driver's seat of our experiences).

Three months ago, the first Transform Group ever was born, with the intention of being a nurturing and safe container to enable conscious change in people's lives.

And as we approach the end of this particular journey together – or the beginning of a brand-new way of perceiving life for my clients, depending on how you look at it – I cannot help but feel energized, nurtured, and overwhelmed by the FANTASTIC and radical transformation I've been witnessing unfold before my eyes.

I could go on and on telling you about that, but I'll give the floor to some of my students, so you can know firsthand how Transform impacted the lives of the very people who chose to go all in.

These are outstanding, bold, and brave human beings who accepted my invitation to join and took ownership of their own life and happiness. 


They had a vision for themselves, made a decision to align themselves with that vision, and took the necessary and inspired actions to bring that vision into form. 

Read their testimonials below, and if you feel ready to jump headfirst into the life you dream of, let's talk.

The next Transform group starts in less than 2 weeks. The portal is closing, but there is still time to join. 

There are limited seats available, so book a complimentary call (no strings attached) to reserve your spot and discuss with me what transformation is available to you right now:

To my beloved Transform people: You are amazing, magical beings. I could not be more grateful and honored for being part of your journey! Thank you for your testimonials, I have left out your names to honor your privacy. 


Here is what some of my students have to say about Transform:

"I signed up for Transform to learn practical strategies and receive support and motivation to start my own business. While I have gained all of that through the program with Alyssa's wisdom and experience, and I'm further ahead in my business plan than I expected to be at this point, what I am most surprised and delighted by are the insights and revelations for my own personal journey that I am gifted every week.  

Transform has allowed me the space and time to cultivate tools for my growth and expansion. By simply pausing with conscious awareness, trusting in the natural flow of life, practicing a consistent devotion to the present moment, and truly believing in my own power and resiliency, I am able to better recognize and more easily navigate my negative thought patterns and the triggers for my anxiety and resistance. 

With the beautiful toolbox that Transform has given me, instead of going down the rabbit hole of the mind and ego, I am open to the possibilities of life and very thankfully now realize that everything is going to be ok. It's a simple yet powerful statement that, for me, is the heart of Transform - the unexpected life-altering potency of small changes and simple steps.

And as someone who thought I'd never join a group where we have deep conversations about ourselves, I've been bowled over by the innumerable points of connection and humanity among our Transform group and how much I learn and grow from the experiences of my fellow participants. 

It's the best thing I've ever done for myself, and I am inspired to continue to become the person I've always thought I could be and, at the same time, the person I didn't expect to find." 

"In Transform, Alyssa has created a coaching program that exists in an environment of loving witness and acceptance. This is the environment that, for me, makes it possible to do the hard work of vanquishing demons that have stood in the way of me manifesting (realizing? stepping into?) my Dharma. I'm writing this 2/3 of the way through the program, and I see powerful and welcome changes happening to me before my eyes. What's happening exceeds my expectations. It's not easy, but in the light of love, kindness, and compassion, it is happening. 

Transform is THE program for the moment in which we find ourselves, bumbling about in a world with an uncertain future, moving into middle age and old age with the prospect of never stepping into our power, never picking up our Medicine. We remain caught up in the same stories we've been telling ourselves all our lives for why we can't make our high dreams manifest. This is a program for breaking through to becoming people who are able to unapologetically set boundaries, say what's working and what isn't, be accountable, direct, and hold ourselves and others with great compassion. 

That we laugh together in group calls and love on each other, well, Yeah! HELL Yeah!"

“Transform has been so far a life-changing experience for me – the sessions with Alyssa are transformative, energizing, and filled with wisdom. 

I started this Journey with high expectations, and all I can say is that I received tenfold what I was expecting. The work is simply powerful, vital, and enlightening. 

Alyssa's loving, compassionate and healing energy shows in every session, making this an incredible and inspiring experience. Alyssa is an attentive listener that gives invaluable and wise insight, ignites self-observation, and offers key tools for personal growth.  

Being on this journey with a wonderful group of people makes this experience even richer! Our weekly meetings are one of the highlights of my week. I look forward to every session for the teachings and insightful shared experiences. I'm so grateful to be part of this Transform Journey and to be surrounded by so much accepting, positive and loving energy."


Easy Does It | A Purpose-Driven Woman’s Guide to Conscious Calm


The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 6 - PATIENCE