The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 6 - PATIENCE

In this series of six videos, I go over The 6 Elements of Transformation and how to incorporate each of them into our professional and personal lives.

They are the core facets of conscious living that, when applied to our endeavors, allow us to actively co-create from a place of ease and flow, aligned with our highest selves and with our soul's vocation.

In our sixth video, we explore PATIENCE, our final element of conscious transformation and the one where we aspire to reside.

Do you constantly find yourself struggling to let go of control in business and other situations in life? If you answered yes, this video is for you!

"There is a place within the depth of one's being where opportunities that defy linear logic are able to unfold. The key to maximizing the pace of your process lies in the degree to which you are able to let go and cease directing the scenarios of your drama. Allow life to unfold for you."

From Awareness by Rasha


One of my girls said to me the other day, "Patience is not something I was born with."

My response was, "No one is born with patience. We have to develop it."

She replied, "Yeah, well, I still don't have any."

Teenagers like to argue.

They also don't like when their parents go off on long spiritual teachings either, so...

I simply said, "It's like a muscle. You develop it by working on it. You haven't started working on it yet, so give yourself a break."

Patience is something we develop. It is not something that we come by naturally. It grows when we consciously feed it.

These 6 Elements of Conscious Transformation I have been teaching you are not a linear process. We don't accomplish being present and then move on to cultivating awareness. We are always practicing mindfulness of the present moment. The experiences of Awareness, Emotions, Visualization, and Gratitude unfold like petals of a rose with Being as its center. The stem that holds the whole thing up is Patience.

Patience is the understanding that we don't have the full picture.

Patience is letting life unfold and acting in accordance with what is presented to us in the moment. If life were a stream and we were floating along, we act in response to the landscape that we see now, not the landscape that we imagine may be around the bend.

When we are consciously creating our lives, there is an experience of being in the flow. What does this look like? How do we stay in the flow of our lives when our minds want to dictate the direction we are going?

How do we stay in the flow of our lives? Be present. Stop resisting. Trust it will all work out, even if you have no idea what that looks like.

Especially if you have no idea what that looks like.

Trust, surrender, patience. These are all one and the same. And while it is the last element of the 6 Elements of Conscious Transformation, it is here we aspire to reside.

View the final video of The Six Elements of Transformation series, PATIENCE, here:

There is more for you if you want more. More support, more growth, faster and more easeful transformation.

​It's been a pleasure to share this journey with you! Let's continue on this journey together.

Alyssa Snow


You Can Create Powerful Change Now


The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 5 - GRATITUDE