Easy Does It | A Purpose-Driven Woman’s Guide to Conscious Calm

​Life can feel like a struggle, but it’s not one.

Life is not easy or hard. Life simply is. Easy or hard are just concepts related to how we perceive our life situation – and this, folks, is 100% under our control. 

Not all the time. Not in every moment. Life is not perfect nor ever will be – is anything perfect, by the way? 

But within every challenge life throws at us lies the possibility of dealing with it from a place of ease and calm (instead of drowning in chaos) if we only learn how to quiet the Ego and access our Soul’s innate wise and peaceful state.

You can transform your daily life and experiences to live the life you desire and recapture the true YOU!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing with you six elements that, from my personal and professional experience, can help us shift our perspective and create powerful change in our lives.

But here is the thing: while each one of these elements carries powerful insights individually, it is in their synergy that Conscious Transformation happens.

Incorporating all of them into our experience can feel like an impossible task, though. When life feels hard, when exhaustion, stress, and overwhelm are dragging you down, when you’re running on empty physically and mentally…. The last thing you want is one more item (or six) in our never-ending to-do list, right?

Well, I’m here to break the good news: Reading my new book, Easy Does It: A Purpose-Driven Woman’s Guide to Conscious Calm is your next inspired step.

In my new book, I offer you a signature framework I’ve been using for the past seven years with enormous success to fluidly incorporate the 6 Elements of Transformation into your life and business endeavors.

It’s the same framework I use in my business coaching programs. And that I share for the first time with the world through this book in the hopes it helps the largest number of people possible to live the life they dream of.

Order the book HERE and immediately access the book + two bonus series featuring 35 unique spiritual practices to support your Transformation journey.

Here is what you’ll get access for $4.99:

● A Digital Copy of Easy Does It: A Purpose-Driven Woman’s Guide to Conscious Calm

● BONUS #1: Moving Towards Meditations 5 Day Series

● BONUS #2: [Yoga] 30 Minutes a Day for 30 Days Video Series

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