Who's driving the car of your business?

I've been having a hard time with my early bird yogi routine in the last month. I've always wanted to be a morning yogi, one of those people that pop out of bed at 5 am and meditate and do yoga. For most of my adult life, that was aspirational and inspirational. But not quite attainable. I do like that snooze option.

For the last five years or so, I've had a pretty steady habit of waking up super early, before everyone else is even starting to wake up. It's blissfully quiet, I practice, I write, I drink my chai, and by the time everyone is up, I'm ready to roll.

But not in the last month or so. My body feels tired. I need more sleep. And boy, does my mind give me shit for that.

There is a part of my mind that criticizes and scolds. She's very young and doesn't know any better. 

She is just trying to keep me safe and free from pain. Believe it or not, it's a protection mechanism. A program. But without radical consciousness, my automatic response is to believe this inner voice, and she sabotages me every time. 

This inner child is present in all aspects of our lives. She's exhausting, the way a toddler can be. It takes attention and awareness to put that voice where it belongs; in the back seat.

Here is the beauty of experiencing your business consciously; whatever we don't see about ourselves will show up in the running of our business. 

Since April 2021, I have been experiencing exponential growth in my business. And when we experience growth in any aspect of our lives, the inner work is also exponential. In fact, that is the hardest part. For every growth edge, our subconscious thinks we are in danger because change feels unsafe to this aspect of our minds. 

I have become aware of the part of my mind that criticizes and scolds at every point in my growth process.

We all have a similar voice; a scolding, unkind or self-doubting voice. 

It is the child within us. The child that was bullied in the first grade. The child that got in trouble a lot. The child that didn't get the affection that she needed. The child that lost a parent or a caregiver too soon. The child that experienced pain. 

The child aspect of the mind doesn't trust or see the whole picture. It just seeks to protect against potential pain. 

It assumes people don't like him. It assumes she did something wrong in some way. It assumes that she is not loveable or that people will leave. 

The child-mind is meant to be seen and witnessed, loved and accepted, never believed. 

For it is not truth. It is just fear. Fear of harm, of pain, of growth, and the unknown. 

Notice when it shows up. Don't resist it and push it away. Let it into your heart and love it. Love that part of you, that child that was hurt and now seeks to keep you safe. 

Love it, accept it, but do not believe it. 

Don't let that child drive the car of your business. Don't let that child make your decisions or impact your actions. Put that child in the backseat, with some stuffed animals to hug. 

And then consider the opposite story. 

Give that considerable real estate in your mind. Focus on your desire and your vision for your business. Focus on what is working and what you love. Focus on the potential and the possibility. Focus on what you feel grateful for. 

Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

And when you falter, forgive yourself for everything. And I mean everything. 

That is a process in and of itself, so I simply invite you to consider that we are perfect. In all of our tiredness and messiness. In all of our mistakes and foibles and dramas. In all of our shame and blame and confusion. In all of our sadness and remorse and regret.

We are perfectly human. When we can embrace that, magic happens. 

We can truly and deeply relax in the knowing that we are exactly where we need to be, in every moment. 

And THAT is what leads to the breakthrough you seek.


When we are called to work with someone, we just know. We are drawn to their words, we check out all their offerings and wonder… what if? When I first saw my coach as a guest expert on Elena Brower's Essential Mentorship, my heart jumped through the screen. I felt like she was saying everything I needed to hear. I knew she was the one to help me, and at the time, she offered single private sessions to experience her magic.

I'm inspired to do the same. If you are curious about what it is like to work with me, I am offering 1:1 coaching calls called Wisdom and Clarity. I invite you to explore what is possible for you when you experience your business consciously:



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