New Moon Solar Eclipse: What is True?

I’m not an astrologist but I am a student of astrology. I find that the archetypes and symbols of the cosmos, and their respective vibrations, are mirrors for our psyche. Personally and collectively.

Sometimes it is hard to understand what is happening within us.

It is hard to uncover what is true because our egoic conditioning obscures the truth with our assumptions and beliefs.

It shows up in so many ways. I have been living in the Bronx now for 4 years. When Steve and I realized that we had outgrown our apartment, we started looking at options that would allow me to commute easily to Washington Heights for the studio and the girls’ school AND allow him to easily commute to Staten Island.

Steve started looking at houses in the Bronx. I balked. I had so many assumptions and beliefs about the Bronx. The Bronx was violent. The Bronx was dirty and polluted.

My assumptions led me to see only part of the story. Is there violence in the Bronx? Yes. Are there areas of pollution and litter? Yep.

But had I stayed committed to believing my assumptions I would never have seen the full picture.

We would have never found our beautiful home, been able to create our backyard, and experienced a lovely park, playground, and public pool just a 5-minute walk from our house.

I would never have met my neighbors and experienced the diversity of cultures and people right on my block. My mother-in-law would never have met her best friend Margaret who makes sure they take walks every few days. Margaret is also really good at telling me when to move my car on opposite sides.

Had I stayed committed to my assumptions I would have missed out on so much.

As we wrap up yet another wild ride of a year I invite you to ask yourself what assumptions are you holding on to that are preventing you from seeing the full story? The whole truth?


With this new moon eclipse (on Friday night/Saturday morning) the sun and the moon are accompanied by the planet Mercury, which rules communication and truth. How we communicate with ourselves AND others. (They go together, don’t they?)

This is a powerful time to discover your truth, set intentions, and take actions in alignment with that truth.

I have some options to support your exploration here. 🙂

One of the biggest untruths we tend to believe in is that we are not good enough or that we are lacking in some way. This breeds self-doubt and a whole tangle of assumptions.

Let's untangle them in this Masterclass: Healing Self-Doubt
It's free and you can WATCH IT HERE

Another option is what I will be doing on Friday night:
Attending a (free) Solar Eclipse Experience (yoga, breath, prayer, intention) with a beautiful teacher named Jai Dev. Info about that HERE.

My personal truth is that it has been a wild ride of a year personally and professionally.

I am simplifying for the remainder of the year and you will hear from me only on Thursdays, with teachings and inspirations that I feel would serve you and uplift you as you bring close to this year and look forward to another turn around the sun.

Personally, I am going inward, enjoying my girls and spending as much time with my parents as possible.

Professionally I am listening and writing and creating and opening the door in 2022 for a few more clients for 1:1 work.

I invite you to consider working with me.

The work that I do with clients is deep and life-changing. This is not marketing, it’s just true.

If you prioritize your own self-realization and living consciously and you wish to take your life experience to the next level; now is the time to take action.

On this new moon, any actions you take will be supported and uplifted and launched.

I’m no longer offering complimentary clarity calls. If you wish to explore what it may look like working with me in this way, I invite you to fill out this form and I will be in touch:

All my love,



Who's driving the car of your business?


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