Faith is our Champion

Spiritual growth is business growth.

You’ve likely heard me say this before. I keep coming back to it time and time again. It is one of my deepest truths.

In fact, spiritual growth translates into growth on every level (not just the physical) - yet for me, these lessons showed up in my business.

2022 marks my 15th year as an entrepreneur and 27th year in business. It also marks my 20th year as a teacher of yoga and meditation.

So: I've been reflecting.

I remember when I left my healthy 6-figure corporate gig to follow my dreams, my father said, “You need to be able to handle the volatility. You need to be okay with not having a paycheck directly deposited into your bank account every two weeks.”

I sort of half-heard him, as daughters do.

Now I want to have those words tattooed on my forearm because volatility has been my greatest teacher.

In yoga we strive for equanimity; having the same inner reactions no matter what is happening around us. Can I be just as peaceful inwardly when business is flourishing and money is flowing as I am when the business feels like it is tanking?

This is the spiritual work of running a business. And I have learned, in order to achieve a sliver of that equanimity (ya’ll, it’s hard) - faith is your champion.

Faith in what? I could say God, but that particular word doesn’t encapsulate it for me. I have faith in nature and the urge of life to seek out an increase in life; more experiences, more knowledge, more expansion, more of whatever is vibrating within you…


And isn’t that where creativity comes from? This urge and desire within us to create something that does not already exist? This is the seed of creating life itself and the life that we see all around us.

Ultimately, my faith is in that desire to create. That vision we have within us that burns like a fire in our hearts and minds.

It could be a calling to be a parent, or a teacher, or writer, a therapist, doctor, chef, DIY master….it could be literally anything.

In 2020, 4.3 million small businesses were created. In 2021 that number is pacing to be even higher. All these people have been called to turn their vision into a business.

I’m one of them. Are you?

(And if you are not, you are here, reading these words for a reason. Ask yourself, what am I to learn from these words? What wants to be awakened and seen within me? What wants to be created?)

Alyssa Snow Coaching is my second business. I started it shortly after the studio closed and admittedly, my vision was not specific. It was “let me use all of my skills and gifts and talents for the greatest good of all involved.”

That vision set me in the right direction. It led me here.

This month, when I completely embraced with deep confidence my experience and gifts as a business owner and my rich experience growing spiritually while running my businesses; the desire and vision that came through me became much more specific.

In woo woo terms: I got the download.

My purpose is to help entrepreneurs master the inner and the outer work of running their business.

When we do that; everyone wins. The business and the entrepreneur, the customers and the world.

Why? A few reasons:

  1. Nothing we do is ever wasted. All of our experiences and lessons, our amazing ones and our painful ones; they all add up to us and become our gift to the world. Look at the sum total of your life experience thus far and use all of it.

  2. The desire within us exists because there is a need for that creation to be born. The world needs your vision for the greater good in some way. Trust that. Trust that you are the one to bring it into the world and the resources will become available for you to do that.

  3. About half of all businesses fail in the first five years. Why? At some level, the owners give up. Why? Many succumb to self-doubt, money pressure, excessive stress and volatility; and they give up their dreams when perhaps all they needed was the right help.

What do I mean by the outer work of running a business?

Not everyone that opens a business has a business degree. Most learn as they go and learn from mistakes. That can be really expensive. Entrepreneurs don’t need a business degree but they do need business mastery of the foundations. There is always more to learn and more to master here.

What do I mean by the inner work of running a business?

And now we circle back to the beginning. Spiritual growth is business growth. Your business is a mirror to the aspects of yourself you are unaware of. That keeps your vibration suppressed and your actions initiated from the subconscious mind.

Within you, your self-doubt that wants to be seen and healed. Your childhood conditioning of scarcity wants to be rewired. The lack of confidence in your expertise and that pesky imposter syndrome needs to be overcome. Money is the energy that makes our business a business. We need to heal our relationship with money.

The mastery of both the inner and the outer experience of running a business leads to extraordinary success. But mostly; it leads to profound peace and satisfaction.

This is what I am called to teach. This is my path forward.

If you are an entrepreneur and these words hit your heart; Vision ➡ Manifest is for you. And you can learn all about it from the button below.

If you are not an entrepreneur, I ask for a favor. Forward this email to as many small business owners and entrepreneurs as you know. Because the world needs them, the economy needs them and perhaps I can be of service to them as they are of service to the world.

Sending so much love,



Vision => Manifest


Who's driving the car of your business?