The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 5 - GRATITUDE

In this series of six videos, I go over The 6 Elements of Transformation and how to incorporate each of them into our professional and personal lives.

They are the core facets of conscious living that, when applied to our endeavors, allow us to actively co-create from a place of ease and flow, aligned with our highest selves and with our soul's vocation.

In our fifth video, we dive deep into gratitude and its relation to our outcomes.

Are you in the habit of focusing on what's not working rather than being grateful for what's going well? Know that you may inadvertently be attracting more of what you fear into your endeavors! Learn about the fifth element of transformation, GRATITUDE, and how to change your mindset for powerful results.

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Your mindset is the way you see the world. It is how you process all the situations and circumstances that show up in your life. It determines your experience, and it can either be an asset or a liability.

Are you aware of your own mindset? What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?

For me? It takes daily maintenance. I have this tendency to feel stress and pressure. Maybe you can relate.

True story: Parenting my girls, right now, is a full-time job. I spoke about this before; therapeutic parenting is my calling. So is teaching/writing/coaching. That is my calling as well.

Both are happening at the same time and often feel as if they are in conflict. If my mindset supported that belief, they would be.

I could think things like (and sometimes do):

  • I need to be in two places at the same time.

  • This is too much for me.

  • There is not enough time in the day.

  • There is no time to do what I want to do.

  • This is too hard.

My mind absolutely generates those thoughts—all the freaking time. And if I am not aware of my thoughts, I sink into believing them.

Believing our automatic thoughts is not the path to conscious transformation.

So let’s just stop that right now. None of these things are true for me. They may feel true in a moment because my emotions are all caught up in those thoughts and making the story of pressure and stress very convincing. You see how that goes, right?

What if I change my thinking to (which is what I often do):

  • What needs my attention right now? What is happening RIGHT in front of me? Do that. Focus there. Give that 100% of my attention.

  • Soften. Soften. Soften. Speak kindly to myself. Tell myself I am doing great. I am doing my best. I am doing all a human possibly can with what I have. Even though I’m probably “doing” too much, it’s ok. I’m human. I’m learning.

  • There is no urgency. There is no urgency. There is no urgency. (Yes, this is my mantra on many days).

  • Pause. Ask. What do I need right now?

  • I have all that I need at this moment. I can do this.

Do you know what makes it possible to shift quickly from a “lack” mentality to an “abundant” mentality?

Gratitude. The practice of gratitude is the conscious direction of your thinking towards what is working; instead of focusing on what is not working.

The practice of gratitude is the first step in being able to shift our mindset in the moment.

Focusing our minds on what is going wrong is a habit. A habit we all have. It is a habit of thinking that makes our lives harder and less enjoyable. This is not new news to you.

Do you need help changing that habit? Changing that habit will transform your experience of life.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Go deeper. Here is the fifth Video in my 6-Video Series, The 6 Elements of Conscious Transformation: # 5. GRATITUDE:

​I’m having such nourishing conversations with those of you who are booking calls. Transformation and clarity are happening on those calls alone. Thinking of talking but on the fence?

Time to get off the fence. This is your life: you get to love it.

In the next video, we will go over the final element of transformation, PATIENCE. If you have trouble letting go of control, you must watch it! Subscribe to receive it in your mailbox as soon as it's released.


The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 6 - PATIENCE


The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 4 - VISUALIZATION