The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 4 - VISUALIZATION

The 6 Elements of Transformation by Alyssa Snow.png

In this series of six videos, I go over The 6 Elements of Transformation and how to incorporate each of them into our professional and personal lives.

They are the core facets of conscious living that, when applied to our endeavors, allow us to actively co-create from a place of ease and flow, aligned with our highest selves and with our soul's vocation.

In video four of six, I explore the power of VISUALIZATION and the correct way of doing that (hint: don't focus on the how!). And talk about the importance of becoming aware of subconscious patterns that muddy our visions, preventing us from having clarity on where we want to go and hindering our success.

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I have been studying the Bhagavad Gita again. I’ve realized it is my medicine. In particular, Karma Yoga, the yoga of action.

As part of my studies, I have been contemplating the idea of Dharma as the initiator of action. And in particular - action without attachment to results. This is Karma Yoga: acting for the sake of the action, not the result.

Dharma is a key concept in most eastern philosophies. Dharma is Nature. It is the underlying flow of life. It is the movement of life initiated only by the law of cause and effect (karma).

When our actions are in alignment with our dharma, we are in the flow of our life. Life is less effort. There is less friction. Creation feels effortless.

I’m not sure if you realized this, but I am more than a little interested in how to make life easier.

I bet you are too.

So how can we do that?

Pause. Inquire. Feel. Ask and Listen.

Pause and Ask: Why are we doing something? Why are we opening a business? Why are we creating this art? Why are we called to volunteer for this cause or that? Why are we initiating deep inner work? What is our motivation for our action?

Inquire: Are you attached to a specific outcome? Do you have specific expectations for how things should turn out? Is your action enjoyable for the action itself, or is it about the result? Can you release your attachment to a specific result?

Feel: How does the answer to those questions feel in your body? Are you tight? Are you spacious? Are you disconnected from feeling?

Ask and Listen: What is my next inspired action? What is the action I can take that is in alignment with the good of all concerned? Listen and wait for the answer.

When the yoga studio closed, I did not know what I was going to do next. I knew ONE thing. I had a strong urge to teach consciousness and wisdom and coach people who wished to dive deep and transform their life experience in some way. I had been doing this already and feeling that urge to expand this exponentially. The timing was such that doing this was the next inspired action for me.

I was attached to specific outcomes. I wanted to create abundance and freedom for myself and my clients. When I felt into that attachment, it felt spacious and exciting. I’m not so evolved that I am free of attachments and expectations, but I am aware enough to be clear on what they are at the very least.

I was unclear on my next action, so I focused on what I knew. My vision: I had a vision of how I wanted to feel. I had a vision of how I knew I wanted my clients to feel. I had a vision of the “business” in terms of how I experienced it from a practical and financial point of view, a time management and work-life-balance point of view. I was clear on how I wanted to feel, so I focused on that. I projected that vision into the stillness of my mind, and I waited.

I waited for my next steps. They showed up like little breadcrumbs marking a path forward.

A feeling to watch this podcast.

An introduction to a coach and a concept.

A knowing of needing/wanting to learn something from someone (this coach).

Conversations with this coach leading me to clarity.

Signing up for a program that further taught me how to bring my vision into reality.

Which was building a business from dharmic vision, in co-creation with God.

This is what I am doing. This is what I want to teach you to do. Create your business, your art, your vision, your life. With ease.

So here we are:

Visualization: The Fourth Element in our 6 Elements of Conscious Transformation.

Dive deeper into the video teaching HERE.

Transform doors are open and conversations are happening! There are a few seats remaining and we begin the week of September 20th.

What are you struggling with? What do you wish to transform? Let me help.

I have no attachments to whether you sign up for the program or not (for real). I’m here to help you get clarity and establish a vision.

Connect with me now!

In the next video, we will go over the fifth element of transformation, LOVE & GRATITUDE. Subscribe to receive it in your mailbox as soon as it's released!


The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 5 - GRATITUDE


The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 3 - EMOTIONS