Saying yes to change

I have had two significant coaching relationships over the course of the last 10 years. Each time, I hired them to help me with specific things.​

I realized I needed a change and I needed help making that change.

​It’s hard to do things alone. We can know we want to make a change, we can even know the change we wish to make, but somehow we just can’t get to it.

​We circle back to old patterns and habits.
​We get caught up in spirals of anxiety or depression and the sensation of feeling inert.
​We believe ourselves to have no clarity or purpose and then lose hope.
​We get stuck in chaos and can’t seem to find our way out.
​We wallow in our pain for so long it becomes like a familiar friend.

​(I’ve been there. I get it.)

​​Then we are presented with a solution. A path. A way out.

​And what happens?

​​The Ego goes nuts. It generates all sorts of thoughts.

​I don’t have the time.
It’s too expensive.​
It won’t work, I’ll always be this way.
I’m not worthy of “insert desire here”.
​It's easier (and safer) to just stay where I am.

​I’m too lost.

What I can tell you, from my own experience of these thoughts: none of them are true.

​This bears repeating with a strong voice: NONE OF THESE THOUGHTS ARE TRUE (no matter how true they feel).

​And saying yes to change smacks those thoughts down like an annoying bug.

​Saying yes to change begins the process of changing. And then the real work begins. This is where help is a game-changer.

Why is saying yes to a coach a life-changing move?

​A coach does not engage with those thoughts. A coach doesn’t believe them.

​A coach sees your desire and dream as reality not yet formed.

​A coach sees your potential and your light and mirrors that back to you.

​A coach helps you unravel the layers of thought that have kept you in chaos; she does this by focusing on what is UNDER those layers, not the layers themselves.

​A coach is free of codependency. She doesn’t need to be liked by you or anyone. She’s not in it to be liked. She’s in it to serve your highest good.

​A coach has been there. Has created a huge change in their life (or their business) and can show you how.

​​A coach embodies what you wish to experience in your life. They are living proof that it is possible. They are a lighthouse. The way home.

​I am finally at a state in my own growth that I can be that person for someone.

​I am free to put all the lessons and the wisdom gained over the last 15 years to good use.

​And at the center of this wisdom, is my spiritual practice. It is the answer to how I thrive through challenges (including closing MBSY).

​It is the solution for creating change without muscling through it.

​It is the heart of Transform. I am here to nourish your connection to your Highest Self. To bring that Highest Self to the forefront of your life. So that Self can lead, so that Self can shine.

​Because when we do that. EVERYTHING is easier. Our trajectories change without our having to decide and mull over decisions. Our dreams and desires become reality. Opportunities come to us and we are present enough to receive them and act on them.

​And it starts with ONE important step.

Saying YES to change.

​I am here to help you do that. That is what these calls are about. Yes, we talk about Transform, but the intention for these calls is to help you say yes to yourself.

​And if you need help saying YES to a coach, I can help you do that. I can also help you say NO if that is right for you too.

​I’m here to support what is right for you. I am here to help you embody your Highest Self.

​Book a call. No matter what the result; you will feel better afterward.

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We can do hard things


Strengthening vs. healing