What is your anxiety trying to tell you?

When I was running MindBodySoul, we asked every new student (on the new student form) what their reason for practicing yoga was. 75% of the people answered, anxiety.

Over the last few months, speaking with so many of you, I learned that anxiety was ever-present. And our minds have some really convincing stories to support that!

The media is committed to telling us ALL the horrible and scary things happening, and so our worries are fed on a daily basis.​

Does this feel familiar?

The sensation of physical discomfort in your belly, chest tightness, headaches, and active thoughts of worry.

Specifically, reliving, in your mind, how things will go wrong or not happen according to your visions and desires.

Or how about thinking of what you DO want to experience or create? Experiencing hope and excitement as to the possibility, and then this inner voice creeping in to tell you how it's not going to happen, how you will be disappointed, and it's not going to go your way.

This all happened SO FAST. Sometimes the thoughts and the sensations are so intertwined that the physical sensations come before the thoughts.

I get it. In some ways, my experience with anxiety has been my biggest teacher. I call anxiety my “manifest malfunction” when I’m being cute, but it is so much more than that.​

What if it's not a problem? What if there is a crucial message for us hidden in the experience of this anxiety?

What if anxiety were our ally rather than our foe?

I still experience anxiety and the thoughts that go along with it.

But I have a different experience now.

I no longer go down the road of those thoughts. I no longer believe them. Instead, I mine the experience for my hidden message.

And the entire experience passes much more quickly. Like, in minutes.

This is one of the life-changing practices of going inward.​

And this was the theme of this week’s masterclass “Anxiety is your Ally”.

If you missed it, head here to watch it for free: https://alyssasnow.com/anxiety-is-your-ally-masterclass

Here is what you’ll learn:

✔ A new way to perceive your anxiety.
✔ How to mine your anxiety for the message you are not seeing or hearing.
✔ Specific techniques and actions you can take to change your experience of anxiety on the spot.
✔ The possibility of getting rid of the experience of anxiety once and for all!


New Moon Solar Eclipse: What is True?


Are you just trying to get through your days?