What is manifesting malfunction?

Aligning purpose and vocation

I've been enjoying my conversations with those who have expressed interest in Transform. I'm excited to learn that so many of you are interested in transforming your life by aligning your purpose with your vocation.

That is powerful in more ways than you may realize.

In 2006 I left my corporate gig to do the same. The 15 years that followed were the most potent personal growth years of my life. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. And neither is personal growth. And these two things go together.

To be a successful entrepreneur means to be constantly growing and evolving. Part of my growth was learning to release control and surrender. And when I thought I was fully surrendered, I would find opportunities to surrender even more.

The manifesting malfunction

Money has been a teacher for me in this way. Specifically, how money ran through my business.

For years it felt like I was always chasing cash flow. I would ask over and over, "why is this so hard?" I had all the elements in place for the business. My vision was clear. My strategy was clear and aligned with my vision.

What was not aligned was my mind. 

Why is this so hard? This question/statement on autoplay in my mind was my manifest malfunction.

I believed it was hard. So it was hard.

I remember pushing my chair away from my desk and the spreadsheet that had a lot of negative numbers, and I said, "OK God, I don't have the answers. I don't know how the checks are going to clear. I don't know when the money will come in. I can't control this anymore. I'm tired, and I'm giving this to you."

And I did. Deeply. I gave my cash flow to God. God became my CFO because I no longer wanted the job.

Practically speaking, what happened was that I bounced one check (rent) and was able to pay payroll for 27 people. It was Divine Grace that I only had to have one conversation and not 27. Bouncing that rent check enabled me to renegotiate with my landlord and free up some cash. Then some opportunities and ideas came to me, and things started opening up. 

I saw the opportunities because I didn't have my head down in my hands, saying to myself over and over again, "why is this so hard?" 

By giving cash flow to God and then seeing the magic that resulted in that surrender just infused my faith with more faith.

Ego or soul?

I learned a powerful lesson. We can manifest our dreams through Ego or Soul. 

When we create through Ego, we use our mental energy to problem solve, to figure out the "how," and to push and pull and make things happen. We can do it that way. Many people do. I found out the hard way that this is the hard way.

When we create through Soul, we are co-creating. We create the vision and the strategy to support the vision, and then we BELIEVE we are supported, and we allow the unfolding. We see opportunities, and we act on them. We use our mental energy not for problem-solving but for creating.

This is an entirely different way to create a business. It is deeply spiritual and transformational. 

And one that I can say leads to success.

What is success?

I define success as feeling fulfilled creatively and materially while also being aligned with our purpose.

Even though hard things happen. Even though things are not what they seem. Even though it seems like the odds are stacked up against you. Even if you can't see how.

You can manifest your dreams if you believe in your vision. 

It can be easy. 

Sometimes we just have to take the first step. One of mine was giving my cash flow to God (btw, God is still my CFO).

What is your first step?


PS. Transform is filling up, but I'm still taking applications for the next two weeks. If you are thinking about it, let's have a conversation. Conversations are fun, and you will leave with more clarity no matter what you choose to do. Click on the button below to learn more and request a call.


The importance of self-care


Intentional Living | Managing Expectations