The importance of self-care

Why is self-care is so important?

Self-care and personal growth are trendy phrases. But their importance is timeless, not only on a personal level but on a collective one. When we care for ourselves, we are caring for all of those around as well.

We walk through our lives distributing the energy we carry inside. There is no better way to contribute to humanity than making sure that this energy is at its highest frequency possible.

When we are tired or depleted, our actions tend to be ego-driven, and we may have tendencies towards anxiety or worry. On the other hand, when we bring our attention inward and ground ourselves in the here and now; we are more energized and feel more connected and aligned.

Self-care Routines

Self-nourishment is not something that comes naturally for most of us. We didn’t learn it. Prioritizing caring for our bodies, our minds and our souls was just not part of our “life curriculum” and maybe in some cases, seen as selfish.

We were taught to give and give and give… And then give some more until we find ourselves completely depleted and out of balance.

This excessive giving helps nobody. Not us and not those around us.

Self-care is an act of love for yourself and to everybody you care about. You know that saying “put your oxygen mask on first” if the plane is going down. You can’t help anyone if you are passed out. Until we learn to take care of ourselves really well; we won’t be able to take care of anyone else. Personally or professionally.

Start caring for others by learning how to nourish yourself – every single day. Make your inner state a priority and see everything around you respond accordingly. 

Nourish: the ultimate self-care plan


Nourish is an online membership container that I offer for those looking to live their best life by implementing self-care and personal growth into their daily routines.

Nourish goes way beyond traditional online yoga classes. Every month we work on a different aspect of human existence, supported by guided practices (yoga, meditation, and breath work), wisdom teachings, group discussions, guided journaling & exercises, and a monthly retreat.

Think of it as your body, mind, and soul medicine!

Nourish facilitates powerful personal development, and I would love for you to see it for yourself.

I am offering a 2-week free trial (no strings attached) for those interested in giving it a try and testing the impact that a structured guided self-care routine can have in their lives.

Click here to learn more and claim your free trial.

Why Nourish?

Nourish is a life-changing yoga and personal growth online membership. Check below what members are saying about the program:

"Nourish provides an integrated program of questioning, meditation, breathwork, and movement. We are invited to do as little or as much as we like, and, for me, the freedom to choose without pressure has been life-changing. Alyssa's invitations to ask "What do I need?" each day have led to true transformation for me. Some days I need courage. Some days I need guidance. Some days I need rest. Some days I need space. Each day the answer may be different, but the clarity with which that direction comes changes the tenor of my day. I cannot count the number of mornings that I have woken up in one mood, and my day has been completely turned around after 30 minutes of Zooming with Alyssa and the Nourish community." 


"Nourish is by far my favorite program ever! Unlike what I expected, Nourish is not a "yoga class"… It takes the concept of "mind body soul" to a whole new level. It created the space for me to reflect and change certain behaviors and judgments."


"Nourish is my gift to me. Alyssa's daily yoga sessions have improved my physical health, but more importantly, brought me peace and an overall sense of well-being. It's literally like having your own personal yoga instructor. I can't recommend Nourish highly enough. Just try it for a month. It will change your life."


"The Nourish program is now an essential part of my spiritual and physical health. This isn't YouTube yoga a la carte. The Nourish classes have an overarching theme by month, by week, and a clear focus each day. I can feel myself growing and gaining very specific skills. This is truly a full mind, body, and soul experience."


"Finding Nourish in the midst of such a tumultuous time in the world and a period of career transition for me personally has been a blessing. I am so grateful for Alyssa's creativity in developing Nourish and her generosity of spirit as she shares her knowledge and wisdom with her students, creating a nurturing community."

— L. TAIT.

"I am truly nourished, strengthened, and increasingly focused on listening for the still, small, inner voice, clearly saying what it is I need. I am calmer, better able to focus and feel better equipped to come through these uncertain times better even than before these times began. I can unequivocally recommend it!"


"I love Nourish. Nourish brings to me above beyond what I would have expected from a Yoga class. Nourish is movement, breathwork, meditation, and community, but overall, all is a peaceful and energizing way to start my day and connect with myself. Alyssa's loving, peaceful and healing energy shows in every session. Her wisdom, compassion, and light make this an amazing experience that meets you where you are, giving you invaluable and sound tools for growth and self-care on and off your mat."



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