Learning from the Birds

Do you hear the birds in the morning? They greet the day with a song. They celebrate the rising sun as if it were a miracle. 

That is how I perceive it, anyway. As I listen, I realize we have much to learn from birds.

How can we wake up singing? How can we shift our perspective so that just the act of waking up is a revelation?

We are so weighed down by our thinking: worries, expectations, judgements, stories…. But the infinite energy spark that takes our form for a short while knows that this experience we call life is a blessing. This extraordinary journey we have awakens us to the awareness that we are more connected than we are apart.

I see a mindset shift happening for humankind. It is slow and messy, but in motion. Our collective consciousness is shifting to one that values all life, especially lives that are experiencing suffering. 

From a spiritual perspective, this is evolution. The collective is evolving and it is indeed something to sing about. It is something to celebrate.

The systemic disease in our societal structures is going to be identified and healed. Evolution moves towards oneness. It cannot be any other way.

Let us meet in the moment and enjoy the experience, the ups and downs, the highs and lows. Let us remember that life is an adventure meant for learning and savoring. 

Life is more magical than we allow ourselves to see. The first step to experiencing that magic is to stop thinking so much.

Watch your breath and rest your awareness in the here and now. 


August Gratitude List:


Can you stay out of your own story?