The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 1 - BEING

The 6 Elements of Transformation by Alyssa Snow.png

In this series of six videos, I go over The 6 Elements of Transformation and how to incorporate each of them into our professional and personal lives.

They are the core facets of conscious living that, when applied to our endeavors, allow us to actively co-create from a place of ease and flow, aligned with our highest selves and with our soul's vocation.

Today I share the first element of Transformation: BEING. And discuss how we can start cultivating an ongoing relationship with the present moment and stop the exhausting neverending "doing" on its tracks.

Video 2 coming up next week, subscribe to receive it by email at

“It’s always so much easier to hide our vulnerable sides...Yet I know now that it’s only when women share their processes - their true processes, the bare bones of them - that other women can feel safe and share theirs. It’s in this sharing that we collectively rise.”

- Dr. Shefali Tsabary from her book A Radical Awakening

Today I speak to the entrepreneurs, the creators, the visionaries, and the dreamers in this Tribe.

There is nothing more vulnerable than opening a business or creating art or putting our vision out there into the world in some way. It is a courageous act and one that asks us to embody our most excellent selves.

And that is not easy. I used to, and sometimes still, call MindBodySoul Yoga my spiritual teacher. Opening that business, growing it, and sustaining it for 12 years was the foundation of my spiritual lessons for over a decade. It was hard.

In many ways, I made it hard without realizing it.

I prayed for ease. I prayed for mercy. I prayed for relief. From financial pressure. Schedule pressure. Self-inflicted pressure. So. Much. Pressure.

Imaginary pressure that feels so real.

I learned that I and only I can control my own experience of running a business (and motherhood and marriage and all of it). So I lived these concepts that came to me in down dog one day; these 6 Elements of Conscious Transformation.

Life can put us in the weeds. I am here with you with our tools.

Tools for making it easier. Tools for a clearer path towards creating a business or a vision. Tools may not get us out of the weeds but they sure do help us carve a very clear path forward.

Transform is a program for entrepreneurs who are in the weeds in their life. Whether you are a caretaker with what feels like no time for yourself, or you are working full time in one place and want to put full time attention on another place - this is what I help with.

Building a business or creating a vision in co-creation with God. There I said it. The G word.

I spent many, many years thinking it was all on me. I was so wrong. The more I gave it to my Higher Power and the more I connected to my Highest Self; the easier it became. The clearer the path and the smoother the vision.

Women: this is the next paradigm of building businesses.

The patriarchal paradigm of working your ass off and burning out is done. We are not machines. We are spiritual beings having human experiences. It is time we embody this.

Do you want to do this? Book a call.

Do you want to know more about how I weave the first facet through my weeds? Watch the first video:

You can create powerful change.

It can be messy because life is messy. You will falter because you are human. But you can also stand back up, dust yourself off, give yourself some love and keep walking forward. In deep trust of your process and your vision.

And everything is easier with help.

Click on below to schedule a conversation about your personal projects and struggles, and how I can be at your service:




The 6 Elements of Transformation | # 2 - AWARENESS


True story of my chaos