Transform your life experience now

Running a business is an interesting experience. I was trained in old school Corporate America, whose motto is Get Shit Done. As a high school and college athlete, that motto fits me just fine. So when I left employeeship for entrepreneurship in 2007, I hit the ground running.

I had a vision. I had a strategy. I had the work ethic. And for the next eight years, I pushed, and I pulled, and I knocked down doors, and I Got Shit Done.

I also taught yoga, meditated, chanted, and read The Power of Now, and made vision boards, and I asked God, basically, to help me Get Shit Done.

And I did. I got it done. I built a beautiful, successful business.

And I felt awful.

I was straddling two different parts of me all the time: the Get Shit Done Girl and the Spiritual Girl. For the life of me, I couldn't seem to integrate them. And to be honest, I didn't even know that I needed to. I just knew I was unhappy. I knew everything felt hard, and my mind was always in problem-solving mode.

This was the beginning of my exploration of the delicate balance of doing and being. 

In 2014, I started to become really involved in women's entrepreneur groups. I met women struggling for this elusive work-life balance thing and struggling to connect their passions with their purpose.

The teacher in me wanted to serve them. The helper in me wanted to help.

Even though I was right there with them.

And then, one day during my practice, I posed the question into the silence: how can I be of service to these women? I even remember the pose I was in. Downward Facing Dog.

How can I be of service to these women?

In a moment, an entire concept landed in my mind. I jumped up, ran around my room like a crazy woman, and found a pen and paper. I wrote it all down.

And for the next few weeks, I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote. And that content became what I called "Yoga and the Process of Awakening."

Some of you may recall this. It became a modest book. An online course. It was my way of serving women entrepreneurs.

But because I was a Get Shit Done Girl, I misunderstood. I thought this message was for others.

But it wasn't. It was for me.

Before I taught it, I had to live it.

I was just dipping my toes in at that point, putting the pieces together and making connections. At the time, I thought the work was complete. I had no idea what was to come.

What was to come was a complete transformation of my life experience. 

I realize now, what was given to me were facets of living more consciously. I was given away to live my life in co-creation with God. No more pushing and pulling, no more overworking and overdoing.

I was given a new way. A new approach. It took me many years to integrate it, to live it, and to know it in the cells of my being.

Now is the time.

I am calling this new approach The Six Facets of Conscious Living.

They are the guiding principles of Transform.

Do you want to know what they are?

I want to tell you.

I want to share with you how The Six Facets of Conscious Living can Transform your life and help you do what you are called to do in your life. 

And make no mistake about it; I still get shit done. I mean, I am who I am. :)

But I do so with much more ease, flow, and enjoyment. I know my dreams are possible.

And I know yours are too.

Helping you realize them and transform your life while doing it is my purpose.

So take the first step and schedule a call.

It's free. I'm friendly. We'll have fun, and you will leave with clarity of purpose.

May the Force be with you,



Why I cry on my mat


The importance of self-care