Wisdom & Clarity

Private session with Alyssa Snow


Is this you?

You experience the same recurring life themes and obstacles and are unsure how to cycle out of the same old stories and the same old dramas.

You know where you want to go in your life, but you are not exactly sure how to get there.

You have a calling that feels Divine. You are ready to experience the next level of consciousness now.

You would like to understand what is blocking you from moving forward. You would like a mirror to reflect back to you what you cannot see.

You seek to heal your relationship with money. You are ready to uncover your issues of self-worth and self-doubt. 

You are seeking spiritual guidance and wisdom; you understand that spiritual growth leads to growth in all areas of your life. 

You seek to transcend your psychological and emotional default settings and create your life consciously.

You wish to become a master manifestor, a conscious creator.

You are ready to live your fullest potential; with ease and enjoyment.

You are here, reading these words. It is no coincidence. Working with me can be your next inspired action. 

The work I do with my clients is all of the above and so much more. Imagine having a teacher and mentor by your side as your spiritual and personal growth is accelerated beyond what you thought was possible.

I invite you to explore what working with me is like. My group and private programs are a minimum of three months commitment; this is an opportunity to experience the transformation possible in just one session. 

Here is what you can expect:

  • You will gain a clear understanding of the laws of the universe, vibration, and conscious creation.

  • You will uncover your biggest obstacles that you are unaware of.

  • You will understand the actions needed to heal what needs to be healed and awaken within you what wishes to be birthed.

  • You will receive teachings and wisdom that will catapult your capacity to embody your highest self and live more consciously.

  • You will receive homework in the form of meditations or yoga practices (or both) and those practices will be given to you in the form of audio files or videos.

The time is now. 

 About Alyssa Snow

Alyssa Snow is a writer, speaker, spiritual teacher, and coach with over two decades of experience in the field of mind body soul therapeutics.

With a degree in accounting and finance, Alyssa has had a successful career in corporate supporting entrepreneurs until she became one herself in 2007. Her first business, MindBodySoul Yoga + Wellness, was a well-respected and successful brick-and-mortar studio in NYC which closed during the pandemic.

Going with the flow of life, in trust and resiliency, Alyssa opened her second business: Alyssa Snow Coaching. This business is in true alignment with her calling: to teach consciousness and to help women rise up and out of their subconscious minds into their highest selves for true transformation into ease and peace in whatever they choose to do.

Alyssa uses all life experiences as her curriculum for transformation. Her experience as a therapeutic foster parent informs all of relations to be trauma-sensitive and aware. She believes that our life happens for us, not to us, and we are here to strengthen our ability to tap into the highest aspects of ourselves.

Her book Easy Does it: A Purpose-Driven Women’s Guide to Conscious Calm and her various programs offer a way to show up in the world that is conscious, powerful, and connected.

'“With over two decades of experience in the field of mind body therapeutics, I’ve served thousands of people through my yoga studio, MindBodySoul Yoga. While doing that, I also learned what it felt like to NOT take care of myself. To put everyone else first. To numb rather than nourish. To push rather than receive.

Through my own self-exploration and discovery of how to properly care for myself, I have amassed a treasure trove of tools and techniques, teachings and practices for nourishing mind, body, and soul.  

I’m here to help you put yourself first on your list of priorities. I am here to help you nourish YOU. I am here to mentor you, support you and share all I have learned - through many experiences, through many teachers and coaches, and through my own inner wisdom, faith and love. 

It is my prayer that with your nourishment, mind body and soul, you live your happiest and most peaceful life possible.”

Alyssa Snow