How can we relate to stress differently?

I’m not telling you anything new when I say the levels of stress put upon us in the last two years has been, as my kids say, “extra.”

I’ve shared some of mine, which, admittedly, has been on the extreme side.

I have been in deep study of stress and how I respond to it. Some created and some inherited; it doesn’t really matter.

I observed how stress was impacting my ability to consciously create my life, and I chose to break through. You can too.

I’ve learned that stress leads to the experience of worry, doubt, self-recrimination, regret, guilt, blame, and shame.

There’s more there, but you get the point.

Because stress is everywhere, that is where we hang out most of the time in our minds.

It’s not necessarily acute; we aren’t necessarily paralyzed in bed with worry, doubt, or self-loathing.

But it’s there. Under the surface, affecting everything we do.

Whether we are conscious of it or not. It is our biggest obstacle to creating the life we want for ourselves. And we don’t even realize it.

We have become so accustomed to stress and the subsequent activating of our subconscious minds that it has become our new normal.

I’m here to say HELL NO to that. I refuse to accept this as my normal. I choose to break through.

Are you with me?

There is another way. This has been a big part of my personal transformation in the last year.

Now I’m ready to teach you.

My treat 🎁

Please join me for a complimentary master class on Transforming our Relationship to Stress.

Stress may not go away, but our relationship to it can be radically transformed for the breakthrough of our lives.

Join me for a wisdom talk, discussion, and offering of concepts, tools, and life techniques that can radically shift your perspective and help you break through your personal cycle of stress.

👉 Oh and before you go….

I am welcoming a new group of five for Transform beginning on November 2nd. This is powerful, life-changing growth.

Here are some quotes from our final Transform session recently:

“I am walking through my life differently”

“I have changed and grown in ways I did not know possible.”

“I am happier and more at peace.”

How about you? More is possible for you. You can apply to the program by going HERE.

I’ll reach out if the program is a good fit for you now.


You get to claim your dreams right now.


How does your vibration affect your outcomes?