True Wealth

This was my most recent Monday.

I dropped my girls off at school and went to Toy's R Us and Target. I had their Christmas wish list in hand and was able to make wishes come true.

The school called to let me know that Amanda had a fever, so I went home, hid the gifts and went to pick up my daughter.

Putting her to bed, I curled up on my couch and watched an episode of WestWorld and then took a nap.

It was 2pm.

As I drifted off to sleep; I thought, someday came.

You see, for years I thought:

  • Someday I will be a mom.

  • Someday I will have a successful business that has systems in place so I don't have to work all the time (and can pick up my sick kids from school at a moment's notice).

  • Someday I will be able to purchase gifts without having anxiety about the price tags.

  • Someday I will be able to watch (guilt free) TV in the middle of the day AND take a nap.

  • Someday I will be wealthy.

  • Someday I will feel like all of my dreams came true.

I realized; this is what true wealth feels like. It is not about how much money I have in the bank or how much stuff I own. It is about how I FEEL.

How I feel about my life, how I feel about my business, how I feel about myself.

True wealth is living the life you want to live. Right here.  Right now.

Your business should exist to support you in life, it should not be that you exist to support your business.

I've been in the muck of it; with extreme financial pressure, tension at home, working 7 days a week with no paycheck, mama guilt, wife guilt, friend guilt...we'll just call that FREAKING GUILT and a basic life experience of pressure, stress and unhappiness.


Building a business is hard. And I made all sorts of mistakes because, frankly, I was on my own. I did not even realize there were mentors or coaches out there to help me. I didn't believe that I could even afford them. In hindsight, I would have saved thousands and thousands and more thousands of dollars if I had the support of someone who had been there, and done that.


But that's okay. My wisdom was hard earned, but it was earned. And someday came.


I'm on the other side of it and I'm here to tell you that this is possible. Someday will come and when it does, I pray you see it and bask in its awesomeness.


Bask in your awesomeness. We don't do that very much do we?

I hope 2017 is the year that you realize that someday is today. 


Wouldn't it be amazing if......


When it all Goes Wrong