A different way to manifest...

Last week I shared with you some of my proud achievements for 2016.  

I shared that I manifested my visions from will and a combination of will and soul.

Today I want to share what happens when we manifest from a place of sheer will.


I haven't shared that for the last few years I've experienced chronic neck and shoulder pain that has come and gone but mostly gotten progressively worse.  

As a yoga teacher:

I yoga'd it,
I massaged it,
I acupunctured it,
I chanted it (seriously),
I plant medicined it,
I physical therapy(ed) it,
I chiropractored it...

And nada.  

So I MRI'd it.  Got the results this morning.  And lets just say I'm pretty seriously injured.  So much so that when I read the results my mind said two things simultaneously:

1) Holy shit I'm superwomen (to be functioning with all this going on).
2) Holy shit how did this happen?

And then it hit me. I know how this happened.  

When we create from the sheer force of our will, it requires such emotional and psychological effort that it damages the body.  

My ego's patterned lack of trust in the universe (heart center, shoulders) and lack of patience (neck) has caused me injury.  

What do I mean by "lack of trust in the universe"?  I'm uber spiritual.  I'm totally trusting.  Aren't I?  Well, I also have a really strong Ego.  And my ego wants to be SURE that desires are met.  Wants to CONTROL the outcome.  A lot.  

And what do I mean by "lack of patience"?  My Ego wants it in MY timing, not Divine timing.  

So. I had no accident.  I had no moment of injury.  There is no "physical" reason for this.  Truly.  

This is a different kind of injury.  A lesson.  A teaching tool from God.

And I share this with you for one important reason.  I am a teacher.  And I teach through my authentic experience and wisdom.  

I ask you - where are you manifesting through sheer will?  How is this showing up in your body?  It can start with just muscle tightness or chronic areas of discomfort.

How can you soften?  How can you just let it go and let the Divine steer?

I hope you continue reading of the next few months as I show you how I'm letting the Divine steer the ship of my life.

Both professionally and personally.

I think i'm in for quite a ride.  I hope to see you right along with me.


Focus on the LOVE


Wouldn't it be amazing if......